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#onthisday #LilliJahn

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the re-founding of the University of Cologne in 2019, »school is open« 4.0, together with students and Prof.' Dr.' Hentges, will tell the stories of Cologne alumni between Cologne and Israel. Visible are concrete memories of the crimes against humanity in the Shoah. Students of the Faculty of Human Sciences work, inter alia. in the portrait of Alumna and Cologne doctor Dr.' Lilli Jahn.

Lilli Jahn, born in 1900, graduated from the University of Cologne in 1919 at the Kaiserin Augusta School in Cologne. In 1924 she earned her doctorate in medicine at the University of Cologne. Her doctoral degree was withdrawn from the University of Cologne as part of the persecution and later returned posthumously. She still works as a doctor after the ban on her profession in 1933 and is murdered in Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1944. Her children Gerhard, Ilse, Johanna, Eva and Dorothea survive the Shoah. The descendants live today all over the world, in Germany and also in Israel. Dr.' Lilli Jahn is a moving example of Jewish life before, during and after the Shoah. In the biography written by her grandson Martin Doerry, Dr.' Lilli Jahn  has her say with her curious nature, her cleverness and her lust for life: She lives, loves, writes on with all the burden to stay in loving dialogue with their children.

Under the hashtag #otd #onthisday #andiesemtag we tweet various events from the life of #LilliJahn

#unikoelnAlumniAlija #unikoeln100 #unicologne100 @schoolisopen (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)


Photo: CC-BY »school is open«


#otd @projektuzk100 #LilliJahn #unikoelnAlumniAlija  Nazi neighbors throw in at family Jahn in Immenhausen the discs. The apartment of Lilli Jahn's mother in Cologne is devastated. In Germany #andiesemtag Jews are attacked, synagogues, shops and apartments.

Many people die during the #Novemberpogrome, as early as 10.11.1938, 30,000 Jews are deported to concentration camps. #LilliJahn #unikoelnAlumniAlija #reichspogromnacht #niewieder #unikoeln100 @LehrerInnen


By decree of 22.7.38 Jews were forced to carry an identity card. The exhibition period ran until 31.12.38.    will also be issued a card. There is a big "J" on the card

31.12.1938 An unnoticed border crossing became virtually impossible through identification card for Jews. Jewish women also had to wear the name "Sara", men the name "Israel" and always present themselves unsolicited.


#otd 5.3.1900  #LilliJahn was born in #Koeln. she studied medicin in Würzburg, Halle, Freiburg & Köln. In Köln she worked till 1926 in the "israelitischen Asyl für Altersschwache und Kranke". 1944 she was murdered in Auschwitz #niewieder #UniKoelnAlumniAlija #unikoeln100 @Lehrer_innen


#otd 17.3.44 #LilliJahn is deported to Auschwitz.  Her last letter to her children „[…] ich werde weiter tapfer sein und fest die Zähne zusammenbeißen und an Euch denken und durchhalten, wenn’s auch noch so schwer sein wird [...]". #unikoeln100 #letzteBriefe @ProjektUzK100


100 years ago, easter 1919, graduated from the Kaiserin-Augusta Schule in One monthb later the was newly founded . There she studied medicin and earned her PhD


80 years ago on 15.5.39 Lilli Jahn's mother Paula leaves Germany and fled to Britain. She had to pay „Reichsfluchtsteuer“ & „Judenvermögensabgabe“ to be alble to leave to country. She had to raise converted   10.130€. @ProjektUzK100 #LilliJahn @Lehrer_innen #otd


#otd Dr' #LilliJahn is killed like more than one million humans in the extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. Perfidiously the Germans make out a death certificate in september 1944. #NiewiederJudenhass #UniKoelnAlumniAlija #unikoeln100 @ProjektUzK100 @Lehrer_innen


was 30.8.43, incarcerated by the Gestapo. Reason for the incarceration was the business card as temporary door bell nameplate. Despite the employment ban and obligation to carry the byname "Sara" it said: Dr. Lilli Jahn.


was 3.9.43 interned in labour camp . Her family learns about it later. The camp, a former monastery, was one of more than 200 labour camps. Frome there on, every other person was deported and killed in an extermination camp.